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Friday, March 19, 2010

Flesh it out!

Tonight we are going to have another powerful night at World Revival Church!  We will be all around the world on Daystar television, streaming video and we will have lots of visitors joining us from around the country and possibly from other countries.  If you have not made it yet you need too!  If you get a chance to watch or better yet be here in person you are going to see faith fleshed out.  Faith is not just a belief system but it is action!  I have heard people spiritualize things to death but they never DO anything!  What would it be like if Jesus had spiritualized dying on the cross?  Was it a spiritual act?  Of course!  But he had nails put into his physical hands to accomplish that spiritual act. Tonight we will not let revival just be something we believe in but it will be something we become!

1 comment:

  1. saturday june 10th 2010 was the most powerful off the chain meetings i have ever seen, the worship was more then i could take, even on streeming the Holy Spirit could be felt. our whole family misses the well. once you've tasted the well water you long for more in the desart. I have dipped my staff in the honey and my eyes have been opened and my heart strengthend. i wanted to give God a gift, but what could you give Him, so I put my hand over my heart and gave Him the day I was born. thank you for being faithful. stay humble, stay like the empty cup, keep pouring out. sultana jones (mama t)
